Instalando grub no Debian GNU/Linux com raid 1

Precisei instalar o Debian em um sistema com raid 1 e descobri que simplesmente o grub dava falha.

Depois de muito googlear, descobri que é necessário instalar o Debian, optar por não instalar o iniciador de boot. Reiniciar o instalador e entrar no modo rescuse, depois escolher o mapeamento correto para instalar o grub no /

procedimentos podem ser encontrados aqui:

Use the following method only if you want to have a dual-boot system with Debian and the other operating system on the same Serial ATA RAID:

  1. Set up your fake RAID in the BIOS (see owners manual).
  2. Boot from a Debian installation media.
  3. Move the cursor to the Install boot menu entry (do not hit Enter yet):
    1. Press Tab to edit the kernel boot line.
    2. Add dmraid=true to the end of the line.
    3. Press Enter.
  4. Install Debian as usual, until you get to the disk partitioner. You will see your fake RAID as one disk with a confusing long name. Use it as if it were a single disk and configure your partitions any way you want, including LVM and friends.
  5. Complete the installation. The installation of GRUB may fail, but that is OK; GRUB needs to be reinstalled either way. If GRUB installation fails, select “continue without bootloader” to complete the Debian installation.
  6. Reboot as instructed by Debian Installer.
  7. Boot using the Debian installation media again.
  8. In the boot menu, go to Advanced Options, and move the cursor to “Rescue system” (do not hit Enter yet):
    1. Press Tab to edit the kernel boot line.
    2. Add “dmraid=true” without quotes to the end of the line.
    3. Press Enter.
  9. You will be presented with screens similar to the installation screens. Go through with them until you are asked to choose a root filesystem to mount and use.
  10. Choose the first /dev/dm-? (? is a number). You will get a command prompt.
  11. (Optional) Type bash into the prompt, for easier command line editing and command history.
  12. Modify /etc/default/grub (e.g. nano /etc/default/grub) and uncomment GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true (699437). Save the file and exit the editor.
  13. Type update-grub and press enter. This is very important, because otherwise the GRUB boot menu later wont be able to display your freshly installed kernel!
  14. Type grub-install /dev/mapper/ and press tab and tab again, you will get the names of the fake raid partitions.
    1. Complete grub-install /dev/mapper/ with the name of your whole fake disk.

      For example grub-install /dev/mapper/isw-jggdha7s-SYS (Note that there is no number at the end of the name). You may have something like /dev/mapper/isw-jggdha7s-SYS and /dev/mapper/isw-jggdha7s-SYS1, or /dev/mapper/isw-jggdha7s-Volume and /dev/mapper/isw-jggdha7s-Volume1. Choose the one without the partition number and press enter.

    2. Everything should install now without an error.
  15. Type exit (twice if you did step 11). Now you should be back in the rescue system menu. Choose the Reboot system option. Now boot off your fake RAID and see GRUB starting your new Debian installation.


Por fim precisei editar na hora do boot o local correto de boot, vc consegue isso com digitando “e” no menu de boot.

Depois de bootar entrei em /boot/grub/grub.cfg, e alterei ali o local de boot tbm para o mapeamento do Raid correto.

Ainda é necessário fazer o sistema sempre apontar para o mapeamento certo do raid, mas isso eu não fiz ainda 😀